About Us

‘’Journey of a lifetime”

My wife Tracey and I have over 50 years’ combined experience in the safari industry. Allow us to invite you on a journey of a lifetime and enjoy not only the sights of Africa, but experience the sounds, the smells, the tastes, and the thrills of a wildlife safari.

”The Path Less Travelled”

We journey off the beaten track to explore and discover the path less travelled. We leave only footprints and capture many memories. We have fun, we learn, we become friends and experience the greatest spectacle on earth, Africa’s abundant wildlife!


First of all, your accommodations are all first class, uncrowded, private facilities situated in the wilderness. You’re surrounded by elephants, lions, buffaloes, antelopes, and countless other wild animals.

‘’Extraordinary awaits’’

I guide you through some of the last remaining true wilderness areas in Africa where the game viewing and photographic opportunities are endless.

I love fauna, flora. I am passionate about cultures, history, geology. I am intrigued with symbiosis and have a desire to constantly learn and to teach.

Whether you have been on safari before or not, organizing a safari alone can be daunting. Over the past 27 years I have guided in 15 countries in Africa and must say every country is unique. The wildlife, cultural experiences and terrain are extraordinarily diverse and so it is important to choose carefully when planning your safari.

Which country do you choose? Which national parks are best? What time of the year should one travel? What camps offer the best value for money? These are just a few of the many difficult choices one has to make when organizing a safari. Allow us to help answer these and other questions and help design a tailor – made safari for you.

It will be my pleasure to steer you in the right direction and help you meet your personal requirements, help you realize your expectations, and provide you with a unique, exclusive and memorable experience.


‘’I am dedicated to the preservation of the African bush and whether I am tracking lion on foot, engaging in my hobby of wildlife photography, or sharing my passions and experiences with likeminded guests, I can say that I am truly fortunate to be able show you my private Africa’’.

‘’Thanks for visiting’’.

…Happy Trails,
